Alamo Water Conservatin Plan
Below is our conservation plan for the summer months for secondary watering (yards, gardens, car washing, etc.).
- Watering times will be as follows: June 1 through October 1, you may water between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. daily.
It is important to do secondary watering at night for two reasons: (1) More water soaks into the soil at night and less is lost to evaporation. (2) If our large water pump motors use more of their power at night, it leaves more electric power during the day to run home air conditioners during hot summer months.
2. In case of emergency, all secondary water use must cease upon notification. Anyone found using water for secondary use during the emergency period will receive a verbal warning.
Nevada State law requires our system to provide fire protection. To provide adequate fire protection, state regulations require us to keep the Hill Water Tank at a water level of at least 10 feet. The Hill Tank is full at 23 feet. Therefore, an emergency occurs when the Hill Tank water level falls below 10 feet.
Further, please understand that State and Federal laws require our Water District to have a continuing conservation program. The Plan presented above is our effort to comply with the law. Furthermore, our lawful compliance retains our eligibility for low-cost State and Federal loans and grants. Without such loans and grants, we could not have a water system.
If you have further questions, please contact our office. Thank you very much for your cooperation in making our conservation plan work.